May 4, 2008


我们无法用相同的自己, 得到不同的未来
在过去与未来之间, 我们有着改变自己的需要

人们总是相信过去不等於未来, 始终期望明天会更好
而关键在於是否还能在现在, 让自己有所不同

终其一生, 人们一直在寻找这个问题的答案
" 我到底要如何, 才能够 . . . "

这是人类科技最大的突破, 是人类文明最终的到达
人终於可以透过改变, 成为心目中理想的自己

谨以改变的力量课程, 献给所有愿意为生命

Power of Change
We cannot continue being the same old person we ve always been and expect to have a different future
Between past and future, there is a requirement for self-change
People always think the past does not dictate the future, and always expect tomorrow will be better
The key lies in whether we can be different in the present moment.
Throughout their lives people are constantly looking for an answer to this quesion.
" What must I do, so I can . . . . . "
This is a major breakthrough in mankind technology; the final reach of civilization.
At last, people understand, they can change to become their ideal self.
" Power of Change " is dedicated to friends
who are always improving their lives diligently.

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